P.E.M.F. Bac Technology to treat olecranon bursitis


Olecranon bursitis is the most common form of the elbow’s superficial bursitis: BAC Technology’s devices have been shown to solve this problem.

What is it?

Olecranon bursitis can be caused by many things such as:

  • Trauma: it is derived from a trauma that caused a blood leak into the bursitis (Hemorrhagic bursitis)
  • Repeated traumas or from compression: it forms slowly in people who apply heavy pressure on their elbows or who receive microfractures
  • Inflammations
  • Infections
  • In some cases, elbow bursitis can be associated with rheumatoid arthritis or gout
  • In rare cases, elbow bursitis is caused by a lesion or a Triceps insufficiency.

BAC Technology’s P.E.M.F. (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field) coupled with BAC Technology’s Sirio’s (Low frequencies ultrasounds) physiotherapy treatment have been shown by ultrasound examinations to have completely resolved the issue in less than two weeks:

Federica Magliano, a specialist physiotherapist, documented her treatments and describes her use of the low frequency ultrasound Sirio this way:

For a total of five sessions (the first four sessions were 48 hours away from each other, while the fifth was done one week after the others):

5 minutes with BAC Technology’s Sirio with the flat-red transducer on 40% power for the first session, progressively increasing power until reaching 65% power on the last session;

5 minutes with BAC Technology’s Sirio with the trigger transducer on 35% power for the first session, progressively increasing power until reaching 50% power on the last session;

5 minutes with BAC Technology’s Sirio with the pulsed-gray transducer on 50% power for the first session, progressively increasing power until reaching 65% power on the last session.

Between sessions, the physiotherapist made use of BAC Technology’s brown P.E.M.F., used in all soft tissues’ edemas and bone edemas cases.

(Press Office Bac Technology – October 26, 2022)